
What's a youquet?

A Youquet celebrates the essence of a person. We pair an individual’s personality traits or characteristics with the traits’ corresponding flowers, and we bring those flowers together into an arrangement: a Youquet. 

Each Youquet is composed of a unique combination of flowers and greenery symbolizing the notable traits that come together to make you YOU.

flower symbolism

Because some flowers may share meanings closely enough with other flowers as to be interchangeable, we at Youquet have made the flower choices for particular traits. Those flower choices will be consistent across all Youquets. If your Youquet contains a flower representing your sensitive nature, for example, you’ll know if you see that same flower in someone else’s Youquet that they share that trait with you.

“Nobody looks like what they really are on the inside. You don’t. I don’t. People are much more complicated than that." - Neil Gaiman

what makes us Different

At Youquet, we don’t believe in flaws in personality any more than we believe in flaws in the plant world; there is only what is.

We believe a person is like a bouquet - our individual traits are like individual flowers, vines, and branches that when brought together create a uniquely beautiful specimen.

We believe in boldly presenting the colorful pieces and parts of who we are - honestly and lovingly.

"No one and nothing is perfect, or we wouldn't have uniqueness."

- attributed to actor Jasmin Morin